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Beskikbare formate Élie Kakou au Dôme de Marseille Veilig geskandeer : 04/29/2024 Kyk HD Aflaai HD
Élie Kakou au Dôme de Marseille 2002

Élie Kakou au Dôme de Marseille

HD 3 79 minute
For his last show in Marseille, the city where he grew up, Elie Kakou brought together all the characters in his repertoire. From the unavoidable Granny Sarfati, at odds with her husband and daughter Fortunée, to Mongola, the former "Clodette", the comedian invited to a journey in his so particular universe, revisiting in no particular order the classics of the children's literature, the masterpieces of the French song and even the verses of the great Molière. A varied program, between great successes and new sketches, interspersed with choreography by Kamel Ouali.



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