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Beskikbare formate Actors of Sound Veilig geskandeer : 05/24/2024 Kyk HD Aflaai HD
Actors of Sound 2016

Actors of Sound

HD 5 98 minute
Since the 1930’s, sound gurus referred to as Foley artists have recreated the sounds that infuse a film with life. During a film’s post-production, Foley artists recreate sound that will match the moving image on-screen, using whatever objects are at their fingertips, from hundreds of pairs of old shoes to clunky old tools and squeaky mattresses. But how will Hollywood’s low-tech sound artists survive as digital technology consumes modern movie-making?



Writing Heads

2013 Flieks

Imagining Zootopia

2016 Flieks

Melody of Noise

2016 Flieks

The Last Omelette

2016 Flieks

Becoming Marilyn

2022 Flieks

The World of James Bond

1995 Flieks

Barefoot in the Kitchen

2013 Flieks

Regreso a «Viridiana»

2011 Flieks