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Beskikbare formate El Father Plays Himself Veilig geskandeer : 05/27/2024 Kyk HD Aflaai HD
El Father Plays Himself 2020

El Father Plays Himself

HD 4 105 minute
A young film director returns to Venezuela, inspired to make a film based on his father's life in the Amazon jungle (La Fortaleza, Jorge Thielen Armand). He casts Father to play himself. What starts as an act of love and ambition — filmmaking to more deeply understand the self, and the other — spirals into a process which confronts Father’s struggles with addiction and his life devoid of his son. EL FATHER PLAYS HIMSELF holds a steady lens to the way the act of cinema unearths, binds, heals and destroys.



Jak se dělá film

1936 Flieks

The Pink Panther Story

2003 Flieks

Hong Kong Stories

2003 Flieks

Making of Cutie Honey

2004 Flieks

El Paraíso

2018 Flieks

A castle with red walls

2019 Flieks