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Dostupné formáty Ho! Kanada Zabezpečené skenování : 06/21/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
Ho! Kanada 1995

Ho! Kanada

HD 10 1:47:31 minut
What do the Japanese see in Canada? What's the magnetic pull from the Far East? And what's our take on this land of ours? Bolstering our feeling of national pride comes naturally after watching the Japanese embrace the country. The film follows Masaaki Kagami, a Japanese transplanted in Alberta. He specializes in making souvenir videos for Japanese tourists. HO! KANADA is an investigation of national stereotypes. The film records the way the Japanese see us, and how we see them and ourselves.
Uvolnění: Sep 15, 1995
Jazyk: English, 日本語
Klíčové slovo: , ,
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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