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00:00:00 / 01:36:00

Dostupné formáty Christmas Crash Zabezpečené skenování : 05/30/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
Christmas Crash 2009

Christmas Crash

HD 7 96 minut
A husband, wife and their two daughters take a Christmas break at a lodge in the woods. There's evident tension between the couple. He's pulled by attention to his corporation and negotiations about a merger. Even on their vacation he's on the phone. She's feeling abandoned. He takes her on a light plane flight to a cabin across the lake, but their plane suddenly loses altitude. They crash into the lake before they can notify anyone. The husband is more seriously hurt but with his wife's assistance they navigate cross-country towards a distant highway.. While they struggle to cross a ridge, the husband's business partner moves behind the scenes to sell the company to raiders, apparently assuming Frank is dead. Attacked by rogue wolves, the husband and wife are rescued in the nick of time. The FAA begins an investigation of the plane crash while the family begins to heal the emotional and physical wounds.



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