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Dostupné formáty That's Bluegrass Zabezpečené skenování : 05/19/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
That's Bluegrass 2013

That's Bluegrass

HD 10 52 minut
Filmed on location in seven different states during 1980-1981, America’s most loved and original music genre is the subject of “That’s Bluegrass”. This care-free, fast-moving documentary lovingly examines our home-grown musical heritage from the simple front porch fiddler to famous Nashville recording stars, listening in as accomplished amateurs do some “pickin and grinning” at outdoor festivals and play songs handed down from generation to generation.
Žánr: ,
Uvolnění: Jan 01, 2013
Jazyk: English
Klíčové slovo: , ,
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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