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00:00:00 / 01:4:00

Dostupné formáty 手裏剣戦隊ニンニンジャーVSトッキュウジャー THE MOVIE 忍者・イン・ワンダーランド Zabezpečené skenování : 05/08/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
手裏剣戦隊ニンニンジャーVSトッキュウジャー THE MOVIE 忍者・イン・ワンダーランド 2016

手裏剣戦隊ニンニンジャーVSトッキュウジャー THE MOVIE 忍者・イン・ワンダーランド

HD 4 64 minut
The Ninningers come across a new enemy, Dark Doctor Mavro, a remnant of the Shadow Line, who created his own, evil version of Aka Ninger serving under him by stealing the real Aka Ninger's Nintality, and because of it, Takaharu's life is now in danger. All hope seems lost until the Ninningers meet the ToQgers, who fought and defeated the Shadow Line in the past, and it's up to them to join forces in order to overcome this new crisis.
Uvolnění: Jan 23, 2016
Jazyk: 日本語
Klíčové slovo:
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.




1972 Filmy

Godzilla: Final Wars

2004 Filmy