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Dostupné formáty Maria: Não Esqueça Que Eu Venho dos Trópicos Zabezpečené skenování : 05/25/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
Maria: Não Esqueça Que Eu Venho dos Trópicos 2017

Maria: Não Esqueça Que Eu Venho dos Trópicos

HD 1 77 minut
An examination of the relationship between the life and art of Maria Martins, now recognized as one of the greatest Brazilian sculptors, in addition to her engravings and texts. The film reveals the greatness of her work and her boldness when dealing directly with the feminine perspective of sexuality, a transgression that led to attacks by Brazilian critics. In parallel, her life as the wife of an important diplomat and her connection to Marcel Duchamp, in a relationship of mutual collaboration between the two artists.



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