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Dostupné formáty Utøya - aldrig glömma, aldrig tiga Zabezpečené skenování : 06/17/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
Utøya - aldrig glömma, aldrig tiga 2021

Utøya - aldrig glömma, aldrig tiga

HD 1.5 59 minut
Ten years ago, Carina Bergfeldt covered the terrorist attack in Norway, and as one of the first reporters on-site, she gained a unique insight into the aftermath of the tragedy. For two days she lived with survivors and parents who were looking for their missing children in the hotel that was turned into a crisis centre. Now she has returned to see what happened with the families and with Norway.



The Siege of Mecca

2018 Filmy

On Hostile Ground

2001 Filmy

The Barber And The Bomb

2016 Filmy

Baader-Meinhof Gang

2007 Filmy

Flight 93

2006 Filmy


2013 Filmy