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Tilgængelige formater Pagen in der Traumfabrik - Schwarze Komparsen in deutschen Spielfilmen Sikker scannet : 05/23/2024 Ur HD Hent HD
Pagen in der Traumfabrik - Schwarze Komparsen in deutschen Spielfilmen 2002

Pagen in der Traumfabrik - Schwarze Komparsen in deutschen Spielfilmen

HD 10 45 minutter
Until 1942 around 100 German propaganda films were made, that were set in Africa. They were produced in Germany, with Black Germans and Africans living in Germany. Who were these Black extras and how did they come to Germany? Why did they work in film-making? Which roles did they play and what messages did they send? What were their daily experiences as Black people during the Weimar Republic and the Nazi Regime?



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