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Verfügbare Formate ペネトレイト・ブルー -Vapor Trail Another Age 2824- Sicher gescannt : 05/28/2024 Sehen HD Herunterladen HD
ペネトレイト・ブルー -Vapor Trail Another Age 2824- 2022

ペネトレイト・ブルー -Vapor Trail Another Age 2824-

HD 10 25 Protokoll
2315. Humanity was defeated at the end of the war, refusing to coexist with machines with intelligence born from a certain accident, "Machine Intelligence". Driven from the ground, they hid in large shelters. Hundreds of years later. The nation has lost its form, some vigilante groups such as the "Security Forces" are in control of the people and facilities, and humanity, who has stopped even counting the calendar, has only surrendered itself to gradual destruction. 2824, a blind girl who once fought as a soldier of the Security Forces, "Tenshu Mikoto" is an engineer girl who manipulates the Security Forces Organoid Organoid, 13th Generation Cradle--F/V-10 Honet-C. Along with Noriko, she earns a living by salvaging and repairing machines and batteries in the discarded section as an outcast "Outer" who does not belong to any community.
Veröffentlichung: Feb 13, 2022
Sprache: 日本語
Stichwort: ,
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.




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