Soul (2020)
"Soul (2020)" Genre Animation Movies Director by Sungyeon Joh (Lighting Artist), Hyein Park (Storyboard Artist), Seong-Young Kim (Layout), Jaclyn Simon (Production Manager), Kristen Lester (Story Supervisor), Michael Warch (Associate Producer). Joe Gardner is a middle school teacher with a love for jazz music. After a successful audition at the Half Note Club, he suddenly gets into an accident that separates his soul from his body and is transported to the You Seminar, a center in which souls develop and gain passions before being transported to a newborn child. Joe must enlist help from the other souls-in-training, like 22, a soul who has spent eons in the You Seminar, in order to get back to Earth.
Released: Dec 25, 2020
Runtime: 101 minutes
Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy, Fantasy
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Graham Norton, Rachel House, Alice Braga, Richard Ayoade
Director: Sungyeon Joh (Lighting Artist), Hyein Park (Storyboard Artist), Seong-Young Kim (Layout), Jaclyn Simon (Production Manager), Kristen Lester (Story Supervisor), Michael Warch (Associate Producer)