The Smoke Master (2023)
"The Smoke Master (2023)" Genre Action Movies Director by André Abujamra (Original Music Composer), Eron Guarnieri (Original Music Composer), Miriam Biderman (Sound Supervisor), Ricardo Reis (Sound Designer), Raphael Borghi (Colorist), Effects (Foley). The journey of Gabriel and Daniel, two brothers cursed by the Chinese mafia with its feared Three Generations Revenge, who have already reaped the life of their grandfather and their father. To survive, one of the brothers must learn the Smoke Style secrets, a little known Cannabis martial art, taught by a single master, high up in the mountains.
Released: May 18, 2023
Runtime: 104 minutes
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Stars: Daniel Rocha, Tony Le Nguyen, Luana Frez, Tristan Aronovich, Thiago Stechinni, Yasmin Thin Qi
Director: André Abujamra (Original Music Composer), Eron Guarnieri (Original Music Composer), Miriam Biderman (Sound Supervisor), Ricardo Reis (Sound Designer), Raphael Borghi (Colorist), Effects (Foley)