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Formatos dispoñibles Genesis | Live At Belgium TV Studio - PopShop'72 Escaneado seguro : 06/04/2024 Mire HD Descargar HD
Genesis | Live At Belgium TV Studio - PopShop'72 1972

Genesis | Live At Belgium TV Studio - PopShop'72

HD 3.8 30 minutos
The most riveting Peter Gabriel-era Genesis video comes from a year earlier. For one reason or another, they found themselves playing a 30-minute set for Belgian TV in March 1972. These are the kinds of events often left in the dustbin of history but, somehow, a pretty stellar copy got out. The group performs early prog classics "The Fountain of Salmacis," "Twilight Alehouse," "The Musical Box" and "The Return of the Giant Hogweed." 1. Fountain of Salmacis 2. Twilight Alehouse 3. The Musical Box 4. Return of the Giant Hogweed
Liberación: Mar 01, 1972
Lingua: English
Palabra clave: ,
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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