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00:00:00 / 01:30:00

Formati Disponibbli 戦国魔神ゴーショーグン 時の異邦人(エトランゼ) Sikur Skannjat : 05/30/2024 Ara HD Niżżel HD
戦国魔神ゴーショーグン 時の異邦人(エトランゼ) 1985

戦国魔神ゴーショーグン 時の異邦人(エトランゼ)

HD 3.8 90 minuti
Forty years after the events of the TV series, Remy Shimada, ex-pilot of the GoShogun, suffers a terrible accident while on her way to a meeting with her former robot-piloting comrades. While they rush to the hospital, Remy floats between life and death. She sees visions of her life when she was young, and stranger still, experiences a hallucination of being with her friends, all of them young again, in a mysterious city filled with hostile fanatics. Far from being the reunion Remy hoped for, a ghastly letter arrives for each member of the team that predicts their gruesome deaths. Slated to die in two days, both in reality and in her dream, Remy struggles to find a way out of the City of Fate, relying on the memories of her friends to see her through, even as they surround her death bed in the waking world.




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