Attiva l-Kont B'XEJN tiegħek!

Il-librerija tal-films u tal-vidjow tagħna tista 'tiġi strimjata jew imniżżla biss mill-membri

Kompli ħares B'XEJN ➞

Tieħu inqas minn minuta biex Tiffirma u allura tista 'tgawdi Films u Titoli tat-TV Unlimited.

00:00:00 / 04:10:00

Formati Disponibbli Internationaal Theater Amsterdam: Een Klein Leven Sikur Skannjat : 05/28/2024 Ara HD Niżżel HD
Internationaal Theater Amsterdam: Een Klein Leven 2018

Internationaal Theater Amsterdam: Een Klein Leven

HD 1 250 minuti
In this worldwide bestseller, we watch four men over a period of more than thirty years: lawyer Jude, actor Willem, visual artist JB and architect Malcolm. The story is the history of their friendship, as they remain closely connected with each other during the rest of their lives. They develop their careers in the city where ambition and success are the indicators of a successful life: New York. Ivo van Hove adapts Hanya Yanagihara’s novel to theater and creates a penetrating performance.



Opening Night

2023 Films

She Loves Me

2016 Films

The Fourposter

1955 Films


2020 Films

The Sorrows of Gin

1979 Films