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Formati Disponibbli 伏 鉄砲娘の捕物帳 Sikur Skannjat : 05/14/2024 Ara HD Niżżel HD
伏 鉄砲娘の捕物帳 2012

伏 鉄砲娘の捕物帳

HD 4.1 110 minuti
Hamaji, a young huntress from the mountains, stumbles into the middle of a shogun’s vendetta against a group of human-dog hybrids, the Fusé. Rumors of Fusé murdering innocent people in the bustling city of Edo have sparked a bounty for their heads. Along with her brother, Hamaji joins the hunt for this dangerous quarry, but after accidentally befriending one of them, Hamaji is torn between two worlds: her life as a self-reliant huntress, and the young woman her new friend has helped her to uncover.



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