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Formati Disponibbli Gimme Danger Sikur Skannjat : 05/29/2024 Ara HD Niżżel HD
Gimme Danger 2016

Gimme Danger

HD 4.2 108 minuti
No other band in rock'n'roll history has rivaled The Stooges' combination of heavy primal throb, spiked psychedelia, blues-a-billy grind, complete with succinct angst-ridden lyrics, and a snarling, preening leopard of a frontman who somehow embodies Nijinsky, Bruce Lee, Harpo Marx, and Arthur Rimbaud all rolled into one. There is no precedent for The Stooges, while those inspired by them are now legion. The film will present the context of their emergence musically, culturally, politically, historically, and relate their adventures and misadventures while charting their inspirations and the reasons behind their initial commercial challenges, as well as their long-lasting legacy.




1994 Films

Heart - Live

2008 Films

Punk: Attitude

2005 Films

Street Fighting Men

2017 Films

Rock School

2005 Films

The Buddy Holly Story

1978 Films

Six-String Samurai

1998 Films