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Dostępne formaty The Language Of The New Music Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/31/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
The Language Of The New Music 1985

The Language Of The New Music

HD 10 63 minuty
This is a film about Ludwig Wittgenstein and Arnold Schoenberg; two men whose lives and ideas run parallel in the development of Viennese radicalism. Both men emerged from the turmoil of the Habsburg Empire in its closing days with the idea of analyzing language and purging it with critical intent, believing that in the analysis and purification of language lies the greatest hope that we have. They never met and might never have fully understood one another, because while the nature of their genius they found themselves alone breaking new ground of the very frontiers of their respective disciplines. But their work springs from the same soil and shares a common ethical purpose, so that their ideas and methods echo and illuminate those of each other to a remarkable degree.



La philo vagabonde

2016 Kino

Chopin-Pletnev: Cello

1997 Kino

A Trip to Infinity

2022 Kino

Ľubica Rybárska

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Die Akte Beethoven

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American Hardcore

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Symphonic Sketches

2023 Kino

The Bolero

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