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Rejestracja zajmuje mniej niż 1 minutę, a następnie możesz cieszyć się nieograniczonymi filmami i tytułami telewizyjnymi.

00:00:00 / 02:22:00

Dostępne formaty National Theatre Live: Phaedra Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/18/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
National Theatre Live: Phaedra 2023

National Theatre Live: Phaedra

HD 4 142 minuty
After years of fierce focus on her political career, a politician turns her attention to her personal life. The reappearance of a figure from her past shakes the foundations of her house and the beliefs that have underpinned her power. As buried lust and loneliness surge to the surface, her actions threaten to destroy everything she has built.



After Miss Julie

1995 Kino

Itsi Bitsi

2012 Kino

The King and I

2018 Kino

Death of a Salesman

1966 Kino