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00:00:00 / 01:49:00

Dostępne formaty 跨鳳乘龍 Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/23/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
跨鳳乘龍 1959


HD 10 109 minuty
During the Warring States Period, Nung-yuk, the Princess of Qin, denounces the mundane world and dreams of marrying an immortal. This extends to her criteria for choosing a husband: excelling in flute playing. Once, she is captivated by the tune 'Three Melodies of Rainbow Dress' and mistakes the qin player Siu Sze for a fairy. Yuk then persuades Sze to sit the national exam for a better future. Sze's music attracts hundred of birds. Yuk returns to the palace pleading with her father Esquire Muk to agree to their marriage. Despite the Empress Dowager's opposition, Yuk leads a secluded life with Siu afar; a noble breed thus living a hard life. The King lets her go, only granting an annual visit. A year later, Yuk and her husband returns for a visit. The Queen still wants to break them up. Later, Jin State sends people to discover the whereabouts of their Princes. Siu is in fact the Prince of Jin. With Muk’s blessings, Siu marries Yuk in Jin, a marriage which brings peace to both states.



Hit the Deck

1929 Kino


1978 Kino

Sanam Teri Kasam

2016 Kino

You Were Meant for Me

1948 Kino

Spring Parade

1940 Kino

Tropic Holiday

1938 Kino

Make a Wish

1937 Kino

That Girl from Paris

1936 Kino

I Dream Too Much

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Donovan, est-ce toi?

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Belated Flowers

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