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Dostępne formaty Wolverine and the X-Men: Fate of the Future Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/10/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
Wolverine and the X-Men: Fate of the Future 2010

Wolverine and the X-Men: Fate of the Future

HD 4.4 110 minuty
Wolverine and the X-Men race through time to regain control of their destiny in Volume 4: Fate of the Future. Evil attempts to rewrite the past, and the mutant heroes must prevent a perilous future in these five time-bending episodes. History repeats itself when Wolverine's past resurfaces, forcing him to repay old debts in "Stolen Lives." In "Code of Conduct," Wolverine's history returns again when the X-Men are threatened by the Silver Samurai who challenges the adamantine hero to another duel. In "Badlands," Logan's captivity helps spawn a new breed of Sentinels to terrorize the future. And before Mojo rips their friendship apart, Nightcrawler struggles to convince a brainwashed Wolverine of their lost days together in "Hunting Grounds." Finally, in "Backlash," when Wolverine learns that Master Mold is the same nemesis for tomorrow's X-Men, he must protect his fellow mutants before the future becomes obsolete.



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