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Dostępne formaty Stomp: Out Loud Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/24/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
Stomp: Out Loud 1997

Stomp: Out Loud

HD 3.7 50 minuty
Stomp is a rhythmic, musical extravaganza that has stunned audiences across the globe. If you weren't lucky enough to catch them in your hometown (or you did and you crave more), now there's Stomp Out Loud, a special HBO performance that will bring the unusual musical feats right into your living room. You might just find yourself grabbing a broom or even your remote control to keep time. "It's comedy, it's theater, it's very physical, it's energetic, it's occasionally quite terrifying," says one performer. Taking their show from the theater to the streets, this astonishing troupe can make music out of just about anything and just about anywhere. --Dana Van Nest
Gatunek muzyczny: ,
Wydanie: Dec 06, 1997
Język: English
Słowo kluczowe:
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.




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