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Dostępne formaty The Trolls and the Christmas Express Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/23/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
The Trolls and the Christmas Express 1981

The Trolls and the Christmas Express

HD 4 30 minuty
The Trolls and the Christmas Express is an animated classic about six roguish trolls who are determined to sabotage Christmas by infiltrating Santa's village disguised as elves. After a week of wreaking havoc but still not completely ruining Christmas, they are about to give up when they get a devilishly clever idea. On the day before Christmas Eve they get the reindeer dancing and singing songs all night long. The poor reindeer are so tired the next day that they cannot find the energy to pull Santa's sleigh. Christmas looks like it has finally been ruined - but everyone knows you can't stop Christmas! The elves quickly devise a plan to link the train from Santa's village with tracks that travel all over the world. Santa can deliver the toys using the Christmas Express.



Home Alone

1990 Kino

My Father the Hero

1994 Kino

Checkin' It Twice

2023 Kino

A Cozy Christmas Inn

2022 Kino

Jingle All the Way

1996 Kino

Jack Frost

1998 Kino

Deck the Halls

2006 Kino

The Santa Clause 2

2002 Kino

My Girl 2

1994 Kino