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Dostępne formaty Packed Lunch Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/30/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
Packed Lunch 2005

Packed Lunch

HD 7 24 minuty
What is it about Speedos? Well here Australian director Tim Hunter is on a mission to find the answer to the question of why so many gay men can't seem to get enough of hunks in tight fitting trunks? Although somehow I think the answer can be found in the question! Anyway in a bid to discover the truth, Hunter has carried out a series of interviews with men who have more than a passing interest in this briefest of garment, including that of Speedo designer Peter Travis, who here relates his part in the history of 'the male equivalent of the Wonder Bra.'




1975 Kino

575 Castro St.

2009 Kino


2007 Kino

The Magic of Flight

1996 Kino

Die Scooterfahrer

1988 Kino

Cracked Not Broken

2005 Kino