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Dostępne formaty サクラ大戦 活動写真 Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/15/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
サクラ大戦 活動写真 2001

サクラ大戦 活動写真

HD 6.3 85 minuty
Following in the aftermath of a terrible Demon-Human war, turn of the century Japan is preparing a new fighting force in case the demons decide to return. A squadron of giant robots are built to be controlled by the spirit of the pilot, but it is discovered that the only people with sufficient spirit are young women. After recruiting a team of youths from around the world, the Japanese government decides to keep them a secret by disguising them as a theater troupe, thus requiring them to spend as much time memorizing Shakespeare as they do on military training.



Uru in Blue

1970 Kino

Noblesse: Awakening

2016 Kino

Resident Evil

2002 Kino


2007 Kino

Earwig and the Witch

2021 Kino


1990 Kino