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Dostępne formaty 劇場版 トリコ 美食神の超食宝(スペシャルメニュー) Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/17/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
劇場版 トリコ 美食神の超食宝(スペシャルメニュー) 2013

劇場版 トリコ 美食神の超食宝(スペシャルメニュー)

HD 3.4 81 minuty
Toriko receives an important assignment from the IGO; he is to accompany Biotope head chief Ayame and find the special hidden menu detailing the full-course meal of the legendary Bishokushin Acacia. The quest to uncover the secret of the special menu takes Toriko, Ayame, Komatsu, Zebra, Sunny and Coco through the dangerous Hungry Triangle to eventually land on the island known as “Acacia's Kitchen”. On the island they discover a bounty beyond anything they couldn't have imagined; rare species of animals, Regal Mammoths, terrifying monsters, strange ruins and a giant refrigerator. Toriko and Ayame explore the ruins where they are confronted by Girim, the former Bishokukai Special Cooking Adviser. Even crazier, the 3 sous chefs and a new GT Robo step in, turning the situation into an all out battle!



Cencoroll Connect

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