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Dostępne formaty The Spectacular Spider-Man Attack of the Lizard Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/16/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
The Spectacular Spider-Man Attack of the Lizard 2008

The Spectacular Spider-Man Attack of the Lizard

HD 4.4 70 minuty
It's been a tough week for Peter Parker. His two best friends are mad at him, Aunt May is behind on the bills and Flash Thompson is still bullying him at school. It hasn't been a cake walk for Spider-Man either. The Enforcers are trying to destroy him, the Vulture is seeking revenge on Mr. Osborn, Electro is wreaking havoc on the city and his mentor, Dr. Connors, just transformed into The Lizard - a reptile on the rampage. But with great power comes great responsibility and Peter Parker wouldn't have it any other way!




2001 Kino

Garfield's Pet Force

2009 Kino

The Moon Mask Rider

1981 Kino

Son of Batman

2014 Kino

Rocky and Hudson

1994 Kino

The Lady Oscar Story

2002 Kino

Merry Dog

1933 Kino