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00:00:00 / 01:52:00

Dostępne formaty 名探偵コナン から紅の恋歌 Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/08/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
名探偵コナン から紅の恋歌 2017

名探偵コナン から紅の恋歌

HD 4.5 112 minuty
Bombing case at Nichiuri TV in autumn. The Satsuki Cup, which crowns the winner of Japan's Hyakunin Isshu, is currently being filmed inside the facility. The incident results in a big commotion and, while the building is burning to ashes, the only people left inside are Hattori and Toyama Kazuha. They get rescued just in time by Conan , who rushes to the scene. Both the identity and purposes of the bomber are unknown.



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ephemeral synopsis

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