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Dostępne formaty The Curse of the Bambino Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/12/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
The Curse of the Bambino 2003

The Curse of the Bambino

HD 10 60 minuty
Told with humor in the face of heartache, this acclaimed documentary, about the curse of Babe Ruth on the Boston Red Sox, combines archival footage with contemporary interviews and focuses not on the Red Sox players that have come and gone, but on the diehard fans who live their entire lives lamenting what some have come to call The Curse of the Bambino.



White Rock

1977 Kino

Becoming Zlatan

2015 Kino

Queering the Pitch

2007 Kino

Making Tracks

2011 Kino