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Dostępne formaty Flatland Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/12/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
Flatland 2002


HD 10 85 minuty
In the future of 2010, three young Americans, Quentin, JT and Amy are visiting Shanghai, when they get shanghaied by mysterious Mr. Smith and taken to Flatland, a place where past and present meet, literally. The only way out for them is to agree to fight Khan for him, an evil ancient warrior who lives through his reincarnations and could destroy the world if not stopped in time. Coventry and Jagger help him, while encyclopedic Linda helps Smith in his 4000 years long quest to stop him. Smith has an alter ego, a wise Shanghai nightclub owner known as Uncle, who gives advice to those who need it.



High Kick Angels

2014 Kino

The Colonel

1974 Kino

Kidnap In Rome

1976 Kino

Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor

1990 Kino

Handsome Vagabond

1982 Kino

The Karate Kid

1984 Kino

The 13th Warrior

1999 Kino

Bird on a Wire

1990 Kino

The Forbidden Kingdom

2008 Kino