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Formatos Disponíveis Zembla - The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump Part 1: The Russians Verificado com segurança : 05/16/2024 Ver HD Baixar HD
Zembla - The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump Part 1: The Russians 2017

Zembla - The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump Part 1: The Russians

HD 1 46 minutos
For months, the FBI have been investigating Russian interference in the American presidential elections. ZEMBLA is investigating another explosive dossier concerning Trump’s involvement with the Russians: Trump’s business and personal ties to oligarchs from the former Soviet Union. Powerful billionaires suspected of money laundering and fraud, and of having contacts in Moscow and with the mafia. What do these relationships say about Trump and why does he deny them? How compromising are these dubious business relationships for the 45th president of the United States? And are there connections with the Netherlands? ZEMBLA meets with one of Trump’s controversial cronies and speaks with a former CIA agent, fraud investigators, attorneys, and an American senator among others.



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