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Formate disponibile Archie's Weird Mysteries Scanare sigură : 04/29/2024 Ceas HD Descarca HD
Archie's Weird Mysteries

Archie's Weird Mysteries

HD 4.929 30:14 minute
Archie's Weird Mysteries is an American animated children's television program, based on the Archie comics. The series premise revolves around a Riverdale High physics lab gone awry, making the town of Riverdale a "magnet" for B-movie style monsters. The show is distributed as meeting the FCC's educational and informational children's programming requirements, and is used by commercial stations in the United States to meet this guideline. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the show was initially shown mornings on the PAX network, often with infomercials bookending the program. The following season, its repeats were syndicated to television stations throughout the US, as a way to comply with mandatory E/I regulations.
Prima dată de difuzare: Oct 02, 1999
Data ultimei difuzări: Feb 21, 2000
Sezon: 1 Sezon
Episod: 40 Episod
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



Batman: The Animated Series

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