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Dostupné formáty キャプテン翼 世界大決戦!! Jr.ワールドカップ Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/17/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
キャプテン翼 世界大決戦!! Jr.ワールドカップ 1986

キャプテン翼 世界大決戦!! Jr.ワールドカップ

HD 3.5 57 minút
In the fourth movie, the classical Japan-Europe match becomes intercontinental. This time they arrange a world cup with 4 teams: Japan, USA, "All Europe", and "All South America". In the first match, Japan easily defeats the USA 3:0 and in the second match Europe loses 2:3 against South America. In the final round S.A. shows their "soccer cyborg" Carlos Santana, a more than supreme player who seems to be undefeatable. All their classical tricks like Hyugas "Tiger Shot" or Tsubasas "Top Spin" seem to be totally worthless, but in a hard and spectacular match the Japanese learn more and more to play in unison and finally they get the win.




1989 Filmy


2006 Filmy


2004 Filmy