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Dostupné formáty Mad Monster Party? Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/30/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
Mad Monster Party? 1967

Mad Monster Party?

HD 4.569 95 minút
When Dr Frankenstein decides to retire from the monster-making business, he calls an international roster of monsters to a creepy convention to elect his successor. Everyone is there including Dracula, The Werewolf, The Creature, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde and many more. But Frankenstein's title is not all that is at stake. The famous doctor has also discovered the secret of total destruction that must not fall into the wrong hands!



Bugs: A Trilogy

2018 Filmy

Monster Mash

2000 Filmy

Trigger Happy

1997 Filmy

Captain EO

1986 Filmy

The Magnificent One

1973 Filmy