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Dostupné formáty Liza in London Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/23/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
Liza in London 1986

Liza in London

HD 10 90 minút
This concert program, from the London Palladium, begins with Minnelli singing “New York, New York” as an encore number to her show, then reflecting back 90 minutes to when she began the performance. Upon taking the stage, Minnelli opens with a medley of “Pick Yourself Up,” “Blue Skies.” and “I’m So Excited.” Next, Minnelli sings “Old Friends,” followed by “Wherever He Ain’t,” “Sad Songs (Say So Much),” “I Don’t Care Much,” “When the Sun Comes Out,” “I Couldn’t Be Happier (for You),” “London Town,” “I Don’t Want to Know,” “Some People,” and “Here’s to the Band.” After telling of how she recently turned forty, Minnelli sings “The Saga of Emma Finch”. Minnelli finishes singing “You’ve Let Yourself Go,” “He’s Funny That Way,” “I Love a Piano,” and “New York, New York.” Following a standing ovation, Minnelli is greeted backstage by her sister, Lorna Luft. Minnelli then encores with “Cabaret.” Finally, Minnelli returns to the stage for a final song: “The World Goes ‘Round.”
Žáner: ,
Uvoľnenie: May 17, 1986
Jazyk: English
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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