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Dostupné formáty Every Pixel Tells a Story Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/30/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
Every Pixel Tells a Story 2002

Every Pixel Tells a Story

HD 10 1:47:31 minút
In this documentary about low-budget filmmaking in upstate New York, you'll learn how affordable digital-video technology has changed the lives of the artists behind action flicks, monster movies, nonfiction stories, and comedies. "Every Pixel Tells a Story" introduces viewers to a wide range of independent filmmakers, all of whom prove that with a little ingenuity, access to the right technology, and plenty of tenacity, filmmakers can still practice their craft 3,000 miles from Hollywood. In fact, "Every Pixel Tells a Story" is an example of what can be accomplished on digital video. Producer-director Peter Hanson shot and edited the movie in a matter of weeks using a camcorder, a computer editing system, and a $30 microphone from Radio Shack, all while spending a fraction of what the documentary would have cost had it been shot on film.
Uvoľnenie: Nov 02, 2002
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Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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