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Dostupné formáty Ο Αδελφός μου, ο... Λόρδος Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/23/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
Ο Αδελφός μου, ο... Λόρδος 1966

Ο Αδελφός μου, ο... Λόρδος

HD 5 86 minút
A car electrician, Charis, spends all his money on tailors in order to give the appearance of a "lord". He constantly fights with his brother, Vasilis, who is also a day laborer (painter), saddled with all the joint expenses of the house. Charis believes that his looks will someday attract a rich wife and thus change his life and solve all his problems. Martha, however, the wealthy daughter of the shipowner Karapezis, falls in love with and marries his brother Vasilis (after he saved her life) without regard for her father's opinion or Vasilis' lack of money.



The French Dispatch

2021 Filmy

My Aunt the Hippie

1970 Filmy

The Northerners

1992 Filmy

That Thing You Do!

1996 Filmy

The Sandlot

1993 Filmy

Johnny Flash

1986 Filmy

The Odd Couple

1968 Filmy

Clam Shack Blues

2023 Filmy

American Graffiti

1973 Filmy