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Dostupné formáty Zombie Lust: Night Flesh Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/31/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
Zombie Lust: Night Flesh 2019

Zombie Lust: Night Flesh

HD 9.5 60 minút
The dead want the red in ZOMBIE LUST: NIGHT FLESH, the 6th skin-ripping offering from FULL MOON'S BUNKER OF BLOOD! This time, we follow The Gore Collector, Molly, and Tape Head as they make their way to the "Desert of Despair" to finally confront the dreaded "Circle of Psycho Surgeons". Deep within the Psycho Surgeons' ruined lair, the trio find themselves in the very same horror hospital that The Gore Collector previously escaped from...but they're not alone! Under the crimson glow of the blood-red desert moon, flesh-eating creatures that now inhabit the structure crawl out, intent on satisfying their unholy urges. Will our heroes escape? SHOULD they escape?



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