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Dostupné formáty La Belle Epoque Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/17/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
La Belle Epoque 1983

La Belle Epoque

HD 10 62 minút
Featuring Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Diana Vreeland, La Belle Epoque evokes "the beautiful era" of 1890-1914, a time in which the wealthy upper classes of the Western world gave themselves over to a life of elegance and taste-making, their eyes closed to the increasing social and political turmoil fermenting beneath the surface of polite society. The program uses period motion pictures, photographs, and sound recordings, as well as the arts and fashions of the period to supplement the spoken memories of the participating interviewees who actually lived... La Belle Epoque.



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