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Formatet e disponueshme Creature Designers: The Frankenstein Complex Skanohet i sigurt : 05/09/2024 Shiko HD Shkarko HD
Creature Designers: The Frankenstein Complex 2015

Creature Designers: The Frankenstein Complex

HD 3.9 104 minuta
The Frankenstein Complex takes a historical as well as a creative perspective, with a mix of fascinating scenes behind the camera, film clips, and dozens of interviews with all the big names in the industry. In addition to the many wonderful anecdotes, the film also offers a wealth of beautiful test material, while along the way showing how the art of filmmaking has changed over the years. An affectionate ode to monster makers throughout history.

I ngjashëm


Artist Unknown

2017 Filma

Wirklich alles?!

2002 Filma


2006 Filma