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Các định dạng có sẵn コードギアス 亡国のアキト 第5章 最終章「愛シキモノタチへ」 Quét an toàn : 04/29/2024 Đồng hồ đeo tay HD Tải xuống HD
コードギアス 亡国のアキト 第5章 最終章「愛シキモノタチへ」 2016

コードギアス 亡国のアキト 第5章 最終章「愛シキモノタチへ」

HD 5.2 60 phút
The Ark Fleet has been destroyed, and a significant number of the enemy's troops have been wiped out due to its crash landing. As the remaining forces of the Holy Order of Michael regroup in order to launch a final assault on Weiswolf Castle, the wZERO unit, along with their new ally Ashley Ashra, stand ready to intercept them. Meanwhile, with his Geass out of control, Shin moves to erase his younger brother's existence once and for all. But Akito, having promised Leila that he will come back alive, refuses to accept such a fate, and the two clash in their final battle.



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