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Dostupné formáty 宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャーVSスペース・スクワッド Zabezpečené skenování : 06/03/2024 Hodinky HD Stažení HD
宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャーVSスペース・スクワッド 2018


HD 6 60 minut
Taking place 4 years after the events of the Uchu Sentai Kyuranger TV series, the universe is at peace. But that changes when Hammie (Chameleon Green) attacks the Rebellion and steals the newly developed Neo Kyutama! Fearing its possible misuse once it falls into the wrong hands, Space Federation President Tsurugi Ohtori (Houou Soldier) declares Hammie wanted all across the universe. Lucky (Shishi Red) and some of the Kyurangers believe in Hammie, fighting against Tsurugi's decision, causing a rift amongst the Kyurangers. And where do Space Sheriff Gavan and Space Sheriff Shaider fit onto all this?



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