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Dostępne formaty 機動新世紀ガンダムX Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/08/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD
機動新世紀ガンダムX - Season 1 Episode 14

機動新世紀ガンダムX - Season 1 Episode 14

HD 3.9 25:14 minuty
Garrod shakes Carris lightly, telling him to hang on. He realizes there were no bullets in Carris' gun and asks why he did it. Carris is then taken prisoner, delivered immediately to the emergency room. In Fort Severn, a man tells Mayor Nomoa (Professor Dorat) that Carris was captured. The Mayor is infuriated by it. Carris survives on the Freeden, and Tiffa and Garrod are happy for his amazing survival. In Fort Severn, Professor Dorat has begun the energizing of the Patulia, and Ennil says she will retrieve Carris for him. Garrod wanders out of his room in the middle of the night, freezing cold. He notices blood on the floor and follows it outside. Tiffa shows up as he gets a jeep, and the two drive out in the snow to find Carris. They find him laying in the snow, and he tells them to let him die in the cold. Garrod then has to convince Carris that he wants him to live, even though the boy can't understand why Garrod would want someone like him. Suddenly, snowboarding mobile suits sh
Gatunek muzyczny: ,
Data pierwszej emisji: Apr 05, 1996
Data ostatniej emisji: Dec 28, 1997
Pora roku: 1 Pora roku
Epizod: 39 Epizod
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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