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Dostupné formáty とある魔術の禁書目録 Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/25/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
とある魔術の禁書目録 - Season 3 Episode 5

とある魔術の禁書目録 - Season 3 Episode 5

HD 3.39 25:14 minút
While Kazari takes a lost Last Order home, Accelerator arrives at his location and faces Saraku, a teleporter of MEMBER and defeats him after realizing Saraku can only teleport behind his opponents. Elsewhere, MEMBER's leader "The Professor" confronts Teitoku only to be killed by the latter after using his power, Dark Matter. Meanwhile, BLOCK starts their real goal, to shut down the city's surveillance system and help 5000 mercenaries invade the city. However, one of their members is actually Etzali in disguise, who alerts the city's drone helicopters to head to their location and stop the mercenaries. Despite their heavy loses, the remaining BLOCK members, Saku Tatsuhiko and Megumi Teshio, continues their next part of the plan, bringing the mercenaries to Academy City's detention facility and kidnap Awaki's gang to use as leverage to make her help them enter the Windowless building and kill Aleister. GROUP heads to the detention facility where Accelerator stays back to hold off the remaining mercenaries while Etzali faces off against Xochitl, a MEMBER agent and his colleague from the Aztec organization who has come to Academy City to kill Etzali for treason. Tsuchimikado and Awaki confronts Saku and Megumi trying to free Awaki's gang but Megumi kills Saku for endangering the hostages and decides to forcefully get the information from Awaki instead. Despite Megumi knocking out Tsuchimikado, Awaki is able to defeat Megumi after getting over her trauma of teleporting herself. With the hostages safe and Etzali saving Xochitl's life from the grimoire she was using, GROUP heads back home. However, Teitoku arrives at ITEM's apartment after torturing Frenda for information.
Dátum prvého vysielania: Oct 05, 2008
Dátum posledného vysielania: Apr 05, 2019
Sezóna: 3 Sezóna
Epizóda: 74 Epizóda
Štúdio: ,
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.



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