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Dostupné formáty The Ellen DeGeneres Show Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/28/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD
The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Season 11 Episode 172

The Ellen DeGeneres Show - Season 11 Episode 172

HD 5.3 45:14 minút
The "Wolf of Wall Street" bares his tenacious energy and steamy good looks when LEONARDO DiCAPRIO stops by! The actor's recent role has him playing with fire only to rise from its ashes, leaving audiences laughing, grimacing and gasping for breath in Martin Scorsese's box office hit. In one of his most dynamic performances yet, Leo's portrayal has stirred the buzz of Hollywood and the world, earning him a Golden Globe Award and Oscar nomination! Ever since Leo stole our hearts in “Romeo and Juliet” and melted what was left in the blockbuster hit "Titanic," he has continued his reign as one of Hollywood's greatest leading men in films like "Catch Me If You Can," "Inception" and “The Aviator." His remarkable talent has earned him two Golden Globe Awards, three Academy Award nominations, and countless other accolades, beginning with his breakout role in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and continuing all the way to his turn in “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Find out what he has to tell Ellen about a movie she has named as one of her favorites of the season! Then, COURTENEY COX is here! From the obsessively charming to the beautifully rebounding, the actress celebrates the fifth season of her hit television series "Cougar Town." Courteney's breakout role as Monica on "Friends" established her as a comedic talent and cemented her legacy as one of America's very best pals. With her current role, she's made middle age hilarious, spicy and evolutionary, and each go around brings more of the absurdity! Being friends with Ellen, it's always a good time when she's here! Singing sweet sensations, SARA BAREILLES performs! Her "Love Song" penetrated hearts around the world with her caramel-laden vocals and sophisticated lyrical melodies, and she followed the hit single with the bold, hard-hitting track "King of Anything.” She'll be performing a song from her latest record "The Blessed Unrest," and there also could be some backstage fun! On Wednesday, Ellen is reveling with the stars!
Žáner: ,
Dátum prvého vysielania: Sep 08, 2003
Dátum posledného vysielania: May 26, 2022
Sezóna: 19 Sezóna
Epizóda: 2014 Epizóda
Kľúčové slovo:
Subtitle: English France Germany Spain Dutch Korea Japan ETC.




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